Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Butt Scoot Scooting

This morning after pooping Zachary did Butt Scoot Scooting all over the yard. For those that are not familiar with this move, it is when a dog drags their butt on the ground and appears to be scooting. I knew right off what it was, as our former Westie did the same thing when his anal glands needed to be expressed. Doc Paul's office was able to give us an appointment for this morning. One of his anal glands was 3 times the size of the other. Darren, the Vet tech had him in the back less then 2 minutes. He also checked the stool sample we brought in to make sure there were no worms. Zachary has not scooted since coming home.
He weighed in at 5 pounds 6 ounces today. Not only his he gaining weight, the boy is getting stronger.


Blogger catdoc said...

Zachary is adorable! I love Westies. Here are a couple things I thought of as I was reading your blog (I'm a vet). Remember puppies at that age sometimes can't tell the difference between negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement, it's all attention which they love. So making a big deal out of going potty inside may actually make things worse. Also, don't underestimate the ability of little puppies to manipulate. If you reinforce them with alot of attention everytime they cry you may have a very high maintenance dog who's got you wrapped around his paw. Also make sure that everyone who will be training Zach is consistent in how they train him. Another thing for the future, if you use a word as an instruction to go potty, don't forget to tell any dog walkers, veterinary folk or kennel attendents. I actually had a dog I was taking care of not go to the bathroom for nearly 24 hours because I didn't know the signal! I had to call the owner on vacation. Good luck, he's wonderful, you're very lucky.

catdoc, owned by 2 high maintenance cats and hopes to be a proud dog owner soon

10:11 AM  

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