Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Monday, October 10, 2005

Westie Angel

We were given this Westie Angel today to Bless our house. After last night, we can use the blessings.
Thought it was going to be a quiet night last night, until about 5 minutes passed. Then echoing thru the house came crying which grew louder by the minute. My partner could not stand it any longer and when out to comfort him. After he settled down, back in bed they came. Several minutes later, you guessed it; the quiet was shattered once more. So back again my partner repeated the pattern, that was set earlier.
The baby boy slept until 3 am when a blood-curling scream came out of the living room. Well it was my turn, to check on the boy. He was wiggling and at the front of crate. Once outside he did his business.
Together the boy and I checked the Web and read many articles together. I placed my sleep shirt in his crate with him and he fell asleep. Then it was my turn to catch some much-needed zzzzzzzz.
After reading, I discovered some things we could have done differently.
Tonight we will try these tips:
Bring crate in bedroom so puppy can see you
Place a t-shirt of yours, for comfort in crate
Do not re-enforce crying
For the recorded our boy was born on 8-11-05. He was 3.1 pounds when he was weighed yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ZacII is a real cutie. He's enjoying you and you enjoy him. A perfect combination. Louise & Vic

3:28 PM  

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