Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Friday, June 30, 2006

Played hard today

Zach's buddies had a good time catching up on eachother's pee-mail. Also played with old and met lots of new RV dog buddies here at our monthly rally. We were able to jump on a boat and enjoy the ocean for a couple hours. We left Zachary in the comfort of his air-conditioned RV. He loves walking and was ready to go when we came home from our boat trip.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so glad you all arrived safely and are enjoying yourselves. Have fun-all three of you.

10:36 AM  

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