Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Saturday, July 22, 2006


The snake that came to visit us yesterday was about 3 foot long. Today is another busy day at our RV rally. This morning we had a watermelon seed-spitting contest. The longest distance was 26ft. Tonight we are having a potluck and karaoke. Zach too had a job this weekend, he has been helping an RV dog buddy not be so aggressive. We walk with Luke closer and closer until they get to me nose to nose. Luke is getting much better. Zachary just wants to play with Luke.

“Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad it was a garden snake and not a poisonous one, Zach has so much to do and loves doing it.

6:16 AM  

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