Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Friday, November 04, 2005

Who is babysitting who

A friend of ours had wanted to hold Zachary so bad, but he would not sit still on her lap for anything. She would get so aggravated when I put him on my lap and he would lay calm. So I helped her get a calm boy on her lap. I was over at their RV helping to transfer some files on their computer. I had Zach on my lap and he started to fall asleep. Well I waited until he totally was asleep and put him on her lap. She was so excited that he was calm and she could now just stroke his hair. After working on the computer, I went to check on Zach and found both she and Zach sound asleep. My question was, who was babysitting who. I had to take a picture to remember the day that Zachary laid so quiet on Norma.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, Zack, you look like a good "sitter" and I wonder how much do you charge? Now, I am jealous, I wish I could be your sitter...and I would do it for free too. You are really a cute boy. Tell your Mommies that you love them, but, you can go to your Aunties' house and get all the treats you want..and then sit on their laps and take a good old snooze. (or at least MY AUNT NORMIES LAP)>>>>>

9:34 PM  

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