Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Crate free test

We tried a test this morning to see what Zachary would do if we left him in the RV for an hour while we were visiting friends across the street. We did not put him in his crate but we did close the bedroom door. When we came back he woke up, Zach had been sleeping under the dinette.
This afternoon we are trying the same thing, while we are up at the clubhouse playing pool. When he is not confined he can have water and his toys. We will do more and more alone time, to increase his freedom.
His bladder control is getting better, so we are able to leave him longer without having to run back to let him out to potty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad Zac is giving you more time without check-ups. He's getting older. Just keep feeding him and he'll keep maturing; then you'll think back to the puppy he used to be.

3:04 PM  

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