Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Back home from RV trip

We had wicked wind and rain last night and this morning. There was a break in the rain around 10:00am, so we headed home. On the way home we dealt wind gusts on the highway, not a fun trip home. Before we left, Zachary was able to play with Coco one of his RV dog buddies. Coco is the same age and weight and loves to play rough. Coco the flying dog loves to jump and hop over or on Zachary and then they start rolling. When ever they see each other, both want to play.

"Happiness in being loved by a Wesite puppy"


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