Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Clicker Training

I have started using clicker training for Zachary. For those that have never heard of Clicker training, it is unlike traditional behavior. I ordered Karen Pryor’s, Clicker Puppy DVD as an intro for myself. It is a 48min. video featuring children teaching young puppies to Sit, Down, Come, Fetch, Roll over, High five and other behaviors. If children can learn this technique, I can learn this technique. Karen Pryor’s website on Clicker Training has this DVD plus many tips and lessons to get anyone started on Clicker training your puppy or adult dog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it works. You'll have fun trying it anyway. Will he respond to a "cookie" too?

6:57 PM  

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