Westie - A day in the life of a West Highland Terrier dog

This is an informational record of our life with West Highland Terrier dogs. We also hope to share what we learn or tips while training our Westie.

Location: United States

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Spooked in backyard

Tonight we were out back when Zach ran to back door, with nose in the air. I heard nothing, and thought he smelled something. When we came inside he ran from room to room barking and crying. It took at least 10 mins for him to settle down. Even after he settled down, he stuck to me like glue. Two hours later he did not want to go off porch to go potty unless both of us went out with him. Again, I heard and saw nothing. I know dogs ears and nose are better than humans, but I have no clue what spooked him.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Monday, February 27, 2006

Zach does Mardi Gras

These pictures are from the pet costume and talent contest this weekend. The theme was Mardi Gras.

"Happiness is being loved by Westie puppy"

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Back home from RV trip

We had wicked wind and rain last night and this morning. There was a break in the rain around 10:00am, so we headed home. On the way home we dealt wind gusts on the highway, not a fun trip home. Before we left, Zachary was able to play with Coco one of his RV dog buddies. Coco is the same age and weight and loves to play rough. Coco the flying dog loves to jump and hop over or on Zachary and then they start rolling. When ever they see each other, both want to play.

"Happiness in being loved by a Wesite puppy"

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Zachary took 3rd place

Today we had a pet talent and pet costume contest and parade at our RV rally.
Zachary was competing against dogs that take place in agility and conformation monthly. Zachary tricks were high-five and weave. Most of the other dogs were doing shake and waving paws, so Zachary’s high-five was not a big trick. The judges were impressed to see a 6 month old puppy weaving in and out of my legs in front of 60 people off leash outside with other dogs all around. For his weave, Zachary took 3rd place. The 1st and 2nd place winners of the talent went to agility dogs. I was so happy....
Later I will post pictures of Zachary in his costume, he looked so cute.

“Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy”

Friday, February 24, 2006

Zachary goes camping today

We will leave this morning in the RV, while it is still cool driving weather. Zachary is looking forward to seeing all his RV dog buddies. This weekend the rally will also have a dog contest. If Zach co-operates I will post a picture of his costume entry.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Thursday, February 23, 2006

We continue to pack the Motorhome

Zachary follows me like a shadow everytime I get close to the motorhome. We Continue to pack the Motorhome and he is so afraid he is not going. We hope to get an early start tomorrow morning on our monthly RV trip. If I able make posts while we are gone, I will. This campground is a little way off the beaten path. The weather looks great so we should have a great RV rally.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Zach helping pack RV

Zach loves to help pack the RV. We he see the motorhome being packed he gets excited, since he knows he is going camping. I brought him inside with me today, to help check on a beeping smoke detector. While I was standing on the couch taking down the smoke detector, he jumped up on the dinette bench as if to say, I am ready, lets go. We also turned on the refrigerator to get nice a cool before the food goes inside. When I was ready to leave, I called to Zach and he was not budging. I told Zach we were not leaving today, he looked so sad.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Learning the weave update

Zachary is now able to weave through 2 legs. I start out walking with my right foot and he goes through my right leg, then through my left leg. I am now training him on the going through a 3rd leg. My goal is to get him to go through 4 legs/steps, before I train someone else to try the weave with Zachary.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Monday, February 20, 2006

We are not alone in having visits

We found out that we are not alone in having visits from pets that have passed over. We received emails from others who told stories of their dogs and cats, that have long passed over. A friend of ours reminded us that Zachary I passed away Feb 24, 2005. It is hard to believe it has been almost one year ago. Hug you dog or cat tonight extra tight, we never know when they will leave their body form.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Possible visit from Zachary I

At approximately 2:30 am this morning, my partner woke up to something. She said she sat up in bed and looked to Zach’s crate and saw him sitting in front of his crate. The door to the crate was closed. She then woke me up and said Zachary was on the floor, he must have jumped off the bed. At this point my partner, who was out of bed already, went to pick up Zachary, but there was nothing there. I reached over and touched Zachary II, and said, "He is laying right beside me".
Did Zachary I come to visit us last night, and want to lie in his big boy bed?
This is not the first strange thing that has happened since we have had Zachary II. On more then one occasion, Zach II would go after a toy and stop dead in his track before for picking it up and look spooked. One time when he was weeks old Zach II started crying and just kept backing up, until I picked him up. It took awhile to settle him down.
For those who do not know, Zachary Taylor I was a laid back Westie. He passed away last year from a liver tumor when he was 8 1/2 years young.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Zachary ate a Bumble Bee

While out in the backyard this afternoon, Zachary had a Bumble Bee buzz his head. I told Zach to "Leave IT" Well the terrier in him, could not resist. He started snapping at the bee and finally caught it in his mouth. Before I knew it, he was rolling in the grass, with the bee. I was afraid he was going to get bitten, but he survived unharmed. The Bumble Bee was not so lucky.

"Happiness in being loved by a Westie puppy"

Friday, February 17, 2006

zacharys_fan_club has been created

I started this blog for Zachary Taylor in Sept 2005. I have shared pictures, stories and touched some on clicker training. Zachary and I have had over 12oo visitors to our blog, some people are regulars, some one-time visitors. If you are a regular visitor or a from time to time visitor, I would like suggestions on things on that you might want to see more of in Zachary's blog. If you just stumbled on our site, we would like to know your thoughts as well. We would like to improve our blog and we would like help from you our readers. One of the things I was thinking of doing, was to remove the comments and replace it with Zachary's fan club email. So here is you chance to let us know what you think.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Found treasure while walking

For the past couple days on our walks, Zachary and I have walked past an orange. Sometimes the orange is on the right side of the sidewalk in the grass, sometimes the left. Sometimes it is right in the middle and we either walk around or I have kicked it to one side. Up to now, Zachary has not paid much attention to the orange. Well today was a different story. The orange was in the middle of the sidewalk, and Zachary could not resist the temptation any longer. He picked it up so fast, that I had to giggle and say "What do you have boy? Well if you want it, OK!" We continued to walk a half block while he carried the orange in his mouth. I could not help but laugh and shake my head. When he was done carrying the orange, he just dropped it and we continued to walk. The second time around, he walked past the orange without giving it a second thought. Each walk is different, and bring new sights and smells.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie puppy"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Started working on the weave again

I cannot remember why Zachary and I stopped, but we started working on the weave again. He does not seem as scared as he was originally to go through my legs, so that is a good thing. I will continue to work with him on this behavior. The weave is where Zachary will walk between my legs with every step.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Monday, February 13, 2006

Paperwork day

Since it was so cold today, we stayed inside most of the day. Zach and I did walk 1/2 miles today, even with the chilly wind. Today's challenge was to do paperwork, with Zachary. He loves to be in the middle of everything so, filling out forms with Zach close is tough. I waited until after our walk and he was sleeping, but as soon as I would move he would wake up. The form need many types of info, so whenever I went to get info in another room my shadow Zach was not far behind. I only got part of it filled out, so I will have another shadow tomorrow.

"Happiness in being loved by a Westie"

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chilly willy after bath

Since Zachary had bandages, we were not able to give him a bath. Well today, cold or not he smelled like a DOG, and he needed a bath. This morning after his bath he was still a little wet, but had to make a potty run. So out he went, just long enough to potty and then ran inside. Guess he was chilly willy after his bath, since he was still wet. Tomorrow morning we will be in the 30's instead of the 40's like this morning.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wired for sound today while visiting

Zach spent the most of the day with his Uncle Victor, Grandma and Grandpa. He was wired for sound the entire time we were there, getting into everything. We finally put him on his leash inside and he slowly settled down. Now that we are home he is quiet and sleeping.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Zach had his stitches removed today

Zach had his dew claw stitches removed this morning. He left the Vet without any bandages. When we came home he ran around like a little kid. Guess he felt so good without having to wear his leggings. We too are happy his legs are fine and we no longer have to keep him from pulling on the bandages. Now his fur can start going back, hopefully by the time we go RVing again.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Zachary loves the cold

It has been cold here the past two mornings, but Zachary loves the cold. We have to drag the little Westie inside, when it is cold and sunny. He loves going for walks, playing or just laying in the sun. Of course I cannot forget chasing Lizzards.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Picture of new booties

Zachary asked if he could show off his new booties, that he has to wear outside to keep his feet clean and dry.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New booties for Zach

Since we are having to keep Zach's paws and bandages dry and clean, we have been creative. We have tried baggies on his feet, which break. Saran wrap did not stay on long enough. So we bought some new boots to try on his front feet. We put them on tonght since we had some rain and it was as much a challenge as trying to put on baggies. He does not like the new booties. Well the battle will be to keep his feet clean and dry until they heal. Wish us luck, we will need it!

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Monday, February 06, 2006

Purple leggings become Zach

Zach traded his red legging in on some bright purple leggings. Today Zachary went to the Vet to get his bandages changed. The Vet said they looked good, so Friday his stitches will come out.
Yeah.......... Since his surgery Zachary has not wanted to walk as much, so I am having to walk around the block by myself. I am sure when his bandages come off, he will be more than willing to walk. Today we walked one time around but that is all he wanted to walk.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Watching the Super Bowl

Zach loves to be in middle of everything and tonight is no exception. He is content to hang out with us watching the Super Bowl. Zach predicts that the Steelers will win. Go Steelers! Woof! Woof! I on the other hand, just want to watch the commercials.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Garage Sale Day

Today we had a garage sale so Zachary was a busy little boy. Some of the day he was inside, some was outside. While outside, Zach took on the role as the official greeter to all who came to his garage sale. He enjoys meeting people, tail wagging the whole time.
We had rain most of the day, so we were still have to cover his red legging, when outside.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Friday, February 03, 2006

Zach sporting red legging

Zachary thought I should post a picture of his bright red leggings on his front feet. He received these after surgery. He will have to wear them for 10 days. It is tough trying to get him to leave them alone, he does not like then at all. I guess it is like when we get bandage, it bugs us too.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Zach was neutered today

Zachary was neutered today. While he was under anesthesia I had them insert a micro chip, remove remaining baby teeth, and remove front dew claws. He will have to go back Monday to check all his stitches. Right now he is restless, but tired. We will have to keep an eye on him so he does not try to pull out his stitches. We will pick up a plastic collar if needed, tomorrow.
While at the Vet, he stepped on the scale and it read 15 lbs 2 oz.

"Happiness is loving a Westie"

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Handsome Westie

Zarchary was getting scragglely so he went to the Doggie day spa. When he goes, he plays with the big dogs before getting his haircut. After he came home all he wanted to do was sleep, he was a tired boy. It is tough being a dog of leisure.

"Happiness is being loved by a Westie"

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